Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Next Races for Me?

I had a post a few weeks ago (June 6) titled "Train, Then Register, Then Race."  Seems like good advice and a running philosophy that keeps things in perspective and doesn't let me get ahead of myself.  So, now what?  I'm actually trained and in "race shape" after the 8-hour Howl at the Moon ultra.  I've stepped back for about 10 days and done easy running to I'm about to dive into more serious training.  Seems like I've completed the "Train" part of that statement.  Next comes "Register."  Then "Race."  Hmmmm....what races look good for this fall? 

September 18 brings an opportunity to run a brand new trail ultramarathon (50K) in the vicinity.  The Evergreen Lake 50K will be in Comlara Park just north of Bloomington-Normal, IL.  This first year should be rather low-key and fun.  Doubtful there will be tons of runners.  The course does two loops around a lake--scenic and fairly flat.  Could be fast!  This should be on my racing schedule. Better sign up soon.

October 8 may see me making the annual pilgrimage to East Peoria, IL and the Farmdale Trail Run (33 and 50 mile events).  This is the race's 6th year.  If I'm in shape now, why not register and do this race too?  I've never missed the event...why stop now?  This should be on my racing schedule.  Better sign up soon.

Can't I find some non-ultra races too?  Yes, indeed!  How about these local gems:

October 22: Illini Mentor Program 5K
October 30: Allerton Park 5.5 Mile Trail Run
November 6: Rattlesnake Master 10K
November 19: Run for the Library 5K
December 10: Da Deer Run 8K Trail Run

What about next year?  The Potawatomi 50-100-150 mile trail race has early sign up through next week.  I did the 50 miler this year and sucked it up pretty good.  Time for redemption?   Why not sign up now and save a few registration bucks?  I'm that means I can register now, right?  Maybe I should step up to the 150 mile event?  Already completed the 50 and 100 milers in Pekin...time for 150 miles?  Well, I'm not trained for THAT distance yet, so I guess I'm not allowed to register for the 150 miler...yet.  Darn.


  1. Good luck with all of the awesome training and races ahead!!

  2. Thanks. I think I need to cut back my planned racing...I feel a little too good and may push it beyond where I should. I've been in this place's good, but I start getting reckless and make silly decisions.
