Friday, December 30, 2011

My Planned 2012 Races

Below are my proposed "races" for 2012. Almost identical to 2011, except I actually plan on going to Land Between the Lakes in March (I registered, but skipped it this year due to injury). And I hope not to drop out of the CRUD 8-Hour race in May (I dropped at about 4.5 hours due to stomach issues). And I've added the 100km race at Kettle in June. As usual, the main event is August's Howl at the Moon 8-Hour run.

The first two ultras are just "fat ass" style fun runs. Good way to start the year! Free "ultra long" runs with friends. Then I go down to KY for the trail marathon in March to test my race fitness. Based on that result, I'll prepare for the 50 miler at Potawatomi in April. A week later I do my annual memorial run to remember my sister Sandy who passed away on Earth Day in 2006. In May, I take vengeance on the CRUD course and try to run well for 8 hours. It's a tough little loop course! In the past, I used June and July to develop a good aerobic base and get heat acclimated for the August Howl at the moon race...but this year I'll try a 100km race in Wisconsin. Finally, August will arrive and the annual Howl run will be here. Eight hours in the heat and humidity of central Illinois. Lots of friends, lots of fun. A good amount of pain and suffering too. The year concludes with three fall trail ultras: Evergreen Lake in Hudson, IL, Farmdale in East Peoria, IL, and McNotAgain in Pekin, IL. Great "local" races and a perfect way to end the year. It's possible that I'll do the "Across the Years" event on December 29-January 1...but I'm not ready for that yet.

These races are all listed on my sidebar too. I'll keep that listing up-to-date if things change. And I'll mark them off with a big checkmark ✔ when completed...or a nasty "DNF" if I fail to finish. It's not too late to consider changes...have any suggestions for me?  Will you be at any of these races?

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