Sunday, January 1, 2012

Running Goals for 2012

For 2012, I want to continue my minimalist running focus and add in more completely barefoot running. If I keep my feet strong and run consistently, I think it'll be a good year and I'll run some fast races. Specifically, here are my running goals for 2012 (with my prediction for chance of completing the goal):

1. Run 2,012 miles
It's the year 2012 so I can run 2012 miles to celebrate. I'm pretty confident this will happen. It's a process goal that will motivate me to run more and thus be more consistent. Unless I get injured, this one will be accomplished. I give myself a 95% chance of success on this goal. 

2. Set at least one new personal record
As we age, setting new PRs is no easy task, but I still have a few "soft" records that are ready to be broken. I actually think I can knock off PRs at all of my distances from 5km to 100 miles, but the weakest is my 50-mile PR (12:49). It was set last year at Potawatomi when I was out of shape and the weather was warm. I just registered for the 2012 race and I should break 12 hours. If the weather cooperates, and I'm in reasonable shape, I'd love to break 10 hours. If I don't set a 50-mile PR, it'll be another distance. I give myself a 90% chance of setting at least one new PR.

3. Run 50 miles at Howl at the Moon 8-Hour
This is unlikely to happen. Even if I train well, it's hard to achieve 50 miles at Howl. Unless the weather is cool (less than 80 degrees), I really don't have much chance to make this goal. If I train hard, and things fall into place, it is possible. I give myself a 5% chance of reaching this milestone.

4. Do a 10-mile run completely barefoot
I've run 7.5 miles barefoot...but never hit that 10 mile mark. This is the year to try. By setting this goal, I'll motivate myself to keep going minimal. Running barefoot keeps me "grounded" and reminds me of good running form--bent knees with short quick strides and a mid-foot landing. I give myself a 75% chance of meeting this goal. 

What are your running goals for 2012?


  1. Awesome goals and great week you had last week! I'm going for PRs in the marathon and 5k this year. This Saterday I'm running my first 50k race. Keep up the streak!

  2. Good luck at your first 50K. It'll be epic! In addition to the streak, I'm just running well right now. Hope it stays with me as spring arrives in a couple of months.

  3. I'll be seeing you at Howl this year! Brian ran it a few years ago and now we are switching roles. :) Any idea how fast it sells out? Brian and I will be in AZ when reg opens and I want to make sure to get in to this party. :)

  4. Kelly,

    I'll be in CA when HOWL opens. It will stay open for at least 3-4 weeks. Still, don't delay!

    It'll be great to see you two at Howl. One of my favorite races.

  5. Great, thanks for the info. See you there!
