Wednesday, March 14, 2012

4 Days Off + Massage =

Four days off from running, plus a deep muscle massage, equals HOPE for my calf!

My left calf has bothered me for 6 weeks. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but it's been nagging me for far too long. This weekend I gave up hope. Having skipped the Land Between the Lakes marathon, I tried an easy 5-mile trail run.  It didn't go well. My calf tightened up, seized, screamed, and brought me to a halt.  I had to walk the last mile back to the parking lot.

I decided to take a few days off from running...and I scheduled two deep muscle massages. The first was this morning. Wow, it hurt! Good pain, but still pain. I assumed the left calf would be tender and "uncomfortable" as it was manipulated.  Didn't plan on other muscles being so sensitive. Apparently I have all sorts of tight muscles besides the one calf. My right calf protested when trigger points were hit. Hamstrings were praying for relief. Hips were jumping off the massage table. I was thoroughly worked over by this massage therapist! I'm still sore tonight, but I think there is hope on the horizon. I expect to see results after next week's session. Heck, I think I'll feel some improvement tomorrow. I'll try for an easy 3 miles.

While the missed trail marathon is behind me, I still have a 50-mile race in just over 4 weeks. I am optimistic that I'll be on the starting line. That's a nice change from this weekend's frustration and depression.

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