Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ramblings from a Crappy Week

This past week sucked. Not all of it, but enough of it sucked big time to make the whole week a loss.

Sunday: The streak is broken.  I take a voluntary and planned day off from the 101-day running streak. I exceeded my 100-day goal and it felt nice to relax and take it easy.

Monday: Day two off from the running streak. 101 days running, 2 days off. Figured it would help let my calf recover so I'd be ready for the marathon race on Saturday.

Tuesday: Ran a short 3 miles on the treadmill.  Felt good to be back running after 2 voluntary days off.  Felt frisky and ready to go! Things were looking up for me and my calf. Saturday's marathon was looking like a great opportunity to get in a long run and test my fitness. 

Wednesday: Day off from running. Lots of work. Too much work.

Thursday: Ran 3 miles on the treadmill in the morning and my calf flared up. Barely survived the run. Crazy busy day at work. A final attempt at healing the calf was a 60 minute massage in the afternoon.  It felt good, but didn't help the calf. The marathon was in serious jeopardy.

Friday: Woke up and the calf was still sore. No marathon for me. I had the day off from work as a vacation day (supposed to travel to KY for the marathon).  Since there was not going to be a marathon, I went for a long hike with two friends at a new trail in the area.  It turned into a very pleasant 9-mile hike. Calf was tight, but not painful. Hope springs eternal! Maybe the calf just wanted me to skip the marathon.

Saturday:  I was supposed to run the Land Between the Lakes Marathon on this day. I didn't happen. Chalk it up as another DNS (Did Not Start). My left calf flared up on Thursday and it was a wise decision to skip the marathon. After Friday's nice hike, I figured I could try a walk-jog on my local 5-mile trail. It started out well, but ended with a painful calf. Hope is replaced with depression. I have another ultra race, the 50-mile Potawatomi Trail Run, in 5 weeks. Not sure I'll be ready.

Sunday: Writing this blog entry while sipping coffee on the couch. Reconsidering all planned races for this year. Want to call it quits on racing and just "run." Can't even jog at this point, so I'll try to walk the local trails. I have 2 deep muscle massages scheduled with an experienced sports therapist. I am cautiously optimistic this will help. If not, I have no alternative except rest.


  1. A new 9 mile trail? Where is it?

  2. It's just past Framer City on the way to the regular north fork Clinton Lake trail. It's in the wetlands area and is open to horses. Still part of DNR lands. If we can find a way to cross the river and reconnect the trails, we'd have a loop of about 14-16 miles! Nice mix of terrain (including pine forests). Less hills than Clinton. Once the calf heals and I can run, I'd like to go back and explore more.

  3. Calf strains are sneaky. Just when you think you're healed, they pop up and say "not so fast, bub". 6-8 weeks to fully recover, and 2+ weeks rest (no running, transitioning to run/walking). You already know this, but now that the streak is over, give it a rest!

    The mental gyrations that go along with injuries are fascinating and aggravating. You'll race again - just don't think about 'training' for the next month or two.

  4. David,

    You are correct. I skipped one race and don't want to skip my next one in 5 weeks. But it may be inevitable. I have 2 deep muscle massage sessions scheduled. With 5-7 days off and 2 "treatments"...MAYBE I'll recover in time?

  5. Absolutely time for rest!!
    Hope the calf heals quickly.

  6. A few days off and 2 massages have helped.
