Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My New Long Run Partner

I have a new long run partner. No, it's not Jeff or Gregg. Not the new guy at work. Not the neighbor down the block. This is a virtual training partner. Someone who will never let me down. I haven't had this companionship for a long time. Let me explain...

Ever since August 23, 2009 I have not had a good podcast to accompany me on long runs. Nature is great, but after 10+ miles, it's nice to have some distractions. Music is fine, and can be motivating, but often I just want a good podcast.  Up until August 23, 2009 I had a phenomenal 2-hour soccer podcast ("World Soccer Daily"). The story of that podcast's demise was laid out in my blog (August 23, 2009 post).

My long runs haven't been the same since that Sunday almost 3 years ago...until now!

I have a new favorite podcast. Heck, you don't even need to be a soccer fan to enjoy this one!  It's actually focused on, get this, running. It's called "3 Non-Joggers" and they have a web site, Facebook page, twitter account, and iTunes podcast. Russ, Gary, and Carl (the three "non-joggers") do a fantastic job podcasting from their basement once a week. Each podcast goes for about an hour and covers running, racing, training, pop culture (and poop jokes), news...all done with a sense of humor. Occasionally they'll have guests...some you've heard of, others not so much. Doesn't matter--these guys are hilarious. I now have a new long run partner. With this podcast, and my renewed dedication to quality racing, I may just kick ass at the Howl at the Moon ultra this August 11th (87 days to go).

Why the name "3 non-joggers"?  Because two of them run (not jog) and one doesn't run at all, but calls running, "jogging." Thus, three non-joggers!  Simple. To get a better sense of who these guys are, check out their short interview with the Beer Runner in Draft Magazine.


  1. It's the best podcast, isn't it?

  2. Yes, it is perfect. How could I have missed the first 69 episodes? I have a bunch of catching up to do!

  3. I'll have to check this one out. In this vein I'm a fan of Trail Runner Nation and Ultrarunner Podcast.

  4. Rob,

    I've listened to the Ultrarunner podcast, but not Trail Runner Nation. I'll add it to my list.

  5. Alright, I'm a dozen or so episodes into 3NJ and I'm hooked. Good call.
