Monday, May 14, 2012

Week in Review: May 7-13

This past week was a transition period where I wanted to ramp-up the mileage and see if my calf would behave. I did and it did!  Things were good. Nothing super special to report. No fast runs, no long runs, just basic easy jogging. Typically had a warm-up walk at the beginning and cool-down walk at the end, with a bit of walking thrown in on hills too. Still, I've managed around 10 days of easy running with no problems. I'm excited and optimistic about my running future. Here are the basic stats for last week:

Count:7 Activities
Distance:42.07 mi
Max Distance:7.31 mi
Avg Distance:6.01 mi
Time:7:00:28 h:m:s
Avg Speed:6.0 mph
Max Speed:8.2 mph
Avg HR:131 bpm
Max HR:150 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:75 spm (per foot)
Max Run Cadence:105 spm (per foot)
Calories:5,437 C

The run cadence is slower than expected or desired, but that does include walking segments where I have a very slow turn-over with longer strides. I hope to eliminate some of the walking over the next 2 weeks--that should get my cadence up higher.  This week I plan on getting in 7 or 8 runs with a total mileage of 50-55 miles. If I can maintain 50-70 miles/week over the next 3 months, I'll be fit and ready to roll at the August 11 Howl at the Moon 8-Hour run (I like to think of that race as my "final exam" for my training plan)!

One step at a time. I have 89 days until August 11...gotta keep the faith. I added a "Howl at the Moon" count-down ticker to the top-right of this blog to keep me focused.


  1. nice week....a day off is okay whenever life/work says to take it, don't get crazy with miles :)...alot single run days, which seems to be fitting your schedule just fine....keep it up, you got a good pattern going.

  2. Keep on plugging away...that's my new motto. I need to develop a habit of running EVERY morning.
