Monday, September 17, 2012

Week in Review: Sept 10-16

This last week was a low mileage one for me.  That ended up being OK since the previous week went very well and I have no need to push my training.  I have been struggling the last few days to keep healthy and fight off whatever flu bug my wife had all last week. She's still pretty congested and sick, I am on the edge. Fighting off a cold or flu, plus celebrating my wife's birthday with a long Chicago weekend, kept me off the roads and trails. Here are statistics from last week:

Count:3 Activities
Distance:11.64 mi
Max Distance:4.95 mi
Avg Distance:3.88 mi
Time:2:07:54 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.5 mph
Avg HR:126 bpm
Max HR:166 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:--
Max Run Cadence:--
Calories:1,482 C

Obviously an "easy" week. Only three runs, all short and fairly slow. Apparently I didn't track cadence on any of those 3 runs. I'll start strapping that Garmin foot pod on more regularly this week. Also, I plan on being back on track with 5 or 6 runs, two of which I want to be at "100-mile race pace" (14:24 minutes/mile). Those slow paced runs will be perfect for recovery, adding a few junk miles, and also reminding myself how easy I can go (for 24 hours) and still achieve my sub-24 goal at the Umstead 100 miler.

Soon, I need to incorporate long weekend runs into the mix. I have a 30-mile trail race (Farmdale Trail Run) on October 13 and I'd like at least one 15-20 mile training run before that race!  For me, the Farmdale event will be more of an extended training run than an actual race effort. Why not take advantage of aid stations and fellow runners to get me through a long run?  There is a 50-mile option, so my slow 30 mile run won't burden the race officials. I've done Farmdale every year it's existed (this is number 7) need to stop that streak now.

NOTE: 201 days until the Umstead 100 mile race!  I have a count-down timer on my blog. Hopefully when it reads 30 days to go, I'll be an aerobic monster ready to taper and kick some ass.

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