Friday, September 21, 2012

Tentative Training Plan for Umstead 100

I have just over 6 months to go until my Umstead 100 Mile Trail Run on April 6, 2013. That seems a long time away, yet also seems way too soon!  I have serious training to do in the next 6 months.  My longest run in the last few months has been 10 miles. Only need to add 90 miles to that "long run" to complete a full 100 mile race. My goal at Umstead is to break 24 hours for 100 miles. That translates into a 14:24 minute per mile average pace. It's doable. I can't linger at aid stations, or stop long for drop bags, food, drink, clothing changes, etc. Every minute I am not making forward progress means I have to go faster to "get back on track" with my planned pace. I'll adopt some kind of run/walk strategy from the start to the finish. For me, the key will be getting to 75 miles without injury, then staying mentally strong to keep a consistent walk-jog cycle for the last 25 miles.

Here's my tentative training plan:

MON: Walk 3-4 miles (about 14:00 pace)
TUES: Easy 5-7 mile run (trails)
WED: Easy 5-7 mile run (roads)
THUR: Moderate paced 7-10 mile run (trails)
FRI: Walk 3-4 miles (about 14:00 pace)
SAT: Long run/walk (15-20 miles)
SUN: Long run/walk (10-15 miles)

TOTAL: 48-67 miles

Monday and Friday are essentially days off, but I will walk to promote recovery and practice walking.  Ultramarathons, especially 100 milers, have a lot of walking in them. Better practice that walking! At least once/month, I'll substitute an ultramarathon race for the weekend long runs.  Instead of a 20 mile run, I'll do a 50K race. The race will not be an all-out effort, but just a steady "get time on the feet" experiences. I'll need one 50 miler within the next 6 months.  Here are my tentative races:

It's a simple schedule, without much speed work, but it may just get the job done. I suppose "race specific speed training" would be intervals run at 14:24 pace! I do need some "brain training"--that will come with the super long runs and one or two all-night runs (midnight-6am efforts). The training races look nicely spread out and peak with the March 9, 2013 Land Between the Lakes 50 Miler--4 weeks before Umstead 100  miler.


  1. Looks like a good plan Chris -- especially the walking!

  2. Thanks Larry. The key, as with anyn ultra, will be getting in all the long runs...with a few "ultra" long ones.

  3. Good luck. I had my first ultra in June of this year (12 hr x 5k loops) and ran the Evergreen Lake Ultra (31 miles) 2 weeks ago. I am running McNotagain the week after I get back from my home in Ireland.

    I am running my first 50 mile in March, Caballo Blanco Ultra. I thought I would make this one special. Best wishes with your running.


  4. Ruairi,

    I'll be at McNotAgain 30 miler too. Hope to cross paths with you. Good luck at Caballo Blanco Ultra. That's a dream race of mine...some day I'll do it!
