Monday, September 24, 2012

Week in Review: Sept 17-23

This was a solid week for me.  Nothing extravagant, just daily activity. I hope to have a similar set of runs this week. I really enjoyed the Monday and Friday walk-jog (mostly walking) to simulate Umstead 100 mile "race pace." I'm a quick walker.  These two days help me recover, yet still practice for the 24-hour Umstead 100 race. And they give me confidence that sub-24 hour pace is doable with lots of walking. Walking is a big deal in longer ultramarathons and I need to practice it. Sounds funny for a runner to say they need to "train by walking"--it worked for the 6 day pedestrian runners of the past!  Here are last week's statistics:

Count:7 Activities
Distance:36.82 mi
Max Distance:10.48 mi
Avg Distance:5.26 mi
Time:6:19:27 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.8 mph
Avg HR:124 bpm
Max HR:182 bpm
Calories:4,632 C

I skipped reporting the average and maximum cadence.  Those stats are way off because of the walking (which is a much slower cadence).  I still track cadence on each individual run, but no need to report it as a weekly statistic. Biggest goal over the next 3 weeks is to get in longer weekend runs. I also need to restrain myself on the Thursday buffalo run--I hit a heart rate of 182 this past week!  Too high for no reason. Training for ultras, especially 100 milers, is about risk-reward balance. Why risk injury for very little possible reward?  Tempo runs are fine, but I need to keep them under control.


  1. Another week . . . you've only got 193 days to go! I believe making it to the starting line that far down the road will be your biggest challenge. After that, the 24 hours should be all downhill for you.

    Hope to see you at McNotAgain or at Tecumseh.

  2. Already signed up for Farmdale 30 and Tecumseh marathon...will sign up for McNotAgain 30 miler soon. Look forward to seeing you.

    I think you are right about training for a 100...the biggest challenge is staying healthy and injury free. I just need to make it to the starting line on April 6th!
