Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fell Runner (Fellrnr)

Before posting today's topic, I want to announce the winner of the "Barefoot Running: The Movie" give-away. Ragfield has won! You'll need to contact me off-blog to provide a mailing address. Congratulations. (The picture to the left is Fellrnr, not Ragfield.)

And now today's topic...a quick shout-out to my favorite running resource: Fellrnr.com. Jonathan Savage is the man behind the wiki and he does a wonderful job at keeping things up-to-date. In addition to being a great runner (he was on the recent USA 24-Hour national team competing in the World Championships in Poland), he also experiments and shares information like few runners I've ever encountered. I really trust his advice and appreciate that the web site has no advertising. The more I keep clicking on various topics, the more I get drawn into his deep knowledge of running, racing, nutrition, shoes, clothes, lights, run logs, etc. I use his SportTracks plugin with DailyMile and just love the statistics it provides--and the option to select which ones you want to calculate and display.

Here is the Fellrnr website: http://fellrnr.com
This is the main site with all sorts of resources, reviews, advice, and links.

Twitter account: @fellrnr
Mostly run log posts, updates to wiki announcements, and race report links.

DailyMile log:  http://www.dailymile.com/people/JonathanS
Pretty incredible training stats. Inspirational for a recreational runner like myself.


  1. Awesome! Melissa & I will be at Farmdale on Saturday, so we'll see you there.

  2. OK. I'll be there too (30 miler) with Jeff Riddle (10 miler). I'll bring the DVD. Perfect! Good luck at the race.
