Monday, October 8, 2012

Week in review: Oct 1-7

This past week ended up as a step-back week, not by design, but by circumstances. I tweaked my right calf on Tuesday morning and took the rest of the week very easy. More walking, less running, and one full day off from everything. By the end of the week, the calf was feeling back to normal. I didn't push it on the two weekend runs--nothing long, nothing fast.  Just nice and easy. Threw in a few strides on Sunday after the 5-mile trail run. Everything felt good. Chalk one up for wisdom and discipline...I'm finally learning to listen to my body!

Count:6 Activities
Distance:23.14 mi
Max Distance:5.91 mi
Avg Distance:3.86 mi
Time:4:35:32 h:m:s
Avg Speed:5.0 mph
Avg HR:112 bpm
Max HR:156 bpm
Calories:2,640 C

This week will be mostly easy runs, with pure walking on Friday morning. I have the Farmdale Trail Run 30-Miler on Saturday. Sunday will be a recovery run/walk. No goal time for Saturday--it's being utilized as a training run. Total mileage for the week will be about 50. Perfect way to kick off my 6-month training for Umstead 100!

No goal time for an ultra?  Don't believe me?  OK.  If you pushed me for an estimated finish time, I'd say just under 7 hours. I'm thinking 10-mile lap times of: 2:10-2:20-2:29=6:59. But that's not a time goal, just an estimate for my friend Jeff to know when he might expect me at the finish line. Jeff's running the 10-mile race and will need to wait for me.

Countdown to Destiny: 180 days to Umstead 100 miler! That's 6 months of solid training. No injuries. Nothing crazy.

NOTE: Today is last day to post a comment and be entered for the random drawing for a free DVD of "Barefoot Running: The Movie." Go to this Sept 29 blog post and add a comment before 11:59pm on October 8, 2012.

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