If nothing else, this poor performance keeps me humble. Good to be humble.
Here's the Garmin data for the race. Pretty sad.
A blog by a guy named Chris who writes about running. Usually trail running--often at the ultramarathon distance. See you on the trails.
"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go." -T.S. Eliot
"Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional." -Dalai Lama
"The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art." -Leonardo da Vinci
sorry you had a hard time. I ran with you for a while and we traded spots a number of times. I was happy enough with my time, looks like i came in at 6:08 (6:25 last year for my first 50k). The last few miles were tough for me as well, I was too excited at the halfway point and didn't eat very much.
i also fell once, about a mile in. see you at Farmdale, happy recovery!
You finished right...did you fall in the bike trail area??...how did greg do??...did a 13 miler run downs/hard hike ups)on smoky mountain trails in 3hours 2 mins....elev gain of 2700'(I was flying!!:))
a couple of 17 mile days...runs + hiking
1 month in mountains you would get in great shape!! we saw 15 elk, 2 bear, 1 coyote on the trails.
saw 3 runners on Mt LeConte trails, 1 ran up 5miles in 68 mins.
Wish I could run.train here for 4-6 weeks!!!
home Sat evening....hope you get back into running 4-5 times a week.
I want to run Clinton when I get back home to take advantage of my 2 week mountain runs/hikes.
jeff(day 10 in the mountains and already dreading the trip home)
Good finish and big improvement from last year! I'll see you at Farmdale. I plan to be ready for that one! it'll be my 8th Farmdale race.
Gregg dropped out at mid-point (16 miles). He fell 4 times. I fell once in a grassy area. Not too bad. Happy to run something on Sunday after you are back inn town. Gregg plans on doing McNotAgain on Nov 9 (10 or 30 miler--and he wants you to go along too).
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