Saturday, October 24, 2015

I'm (almost) Back!

noun. The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Well, after 16 days of zeros, I've now managed a few runs. Hey, I even have a 5-day run streak going. I'm wise enough to know I'm not a streak runner, but it does feel good to have a few runs under my belt after being sick for almost 3 weeks. Still coughing a bit, but much better. With consistent easy running, I'll re-develop my aerobic endurance. Right now, it's tough to run more than 3 miles. I'll keep plugging away and should be "back to normal" in about 4 more weeks. Not super fit, but at least passable as a runner. Even with my shit-slow recent runs, short as they've been, it's great to be back. I look forward to moving more freely and smoothly every single day.

Now, I need to look ahead just a bit. In three weeks I'm supposed to be running the Tunnel Hill 50 miler. Not going to happen. Need to stay smart. It would be a waste of time and energy to force that run. Even if I used it as a training experience, it would be too much. Pacing my friend? Too much. I need to stay the course and keep on plugging away on easy-paced, heart-rate controlled, short to medium runs. I have no races the rest of this year. Probably no runs over 10 miles. Lots of daily running, but nothing too fast or too long. Build. Then build some more. It's base-building time.

Patience is a virtue and I need to contain my competive urges. Need to remain humble. Appreciate my health and take what is appopriate for my current fitness level. Time is my ally. I'll be fine.