Saturday, October 31, 2015

Next Race?

Now that I've gotten in almost 2 weeks of slow and easy runs, I'm feeling good. I'm certainly not at my full potential, but I'm on the right track. A few more weeks of plugging along should get me to the point I can consider future race plans. I've sworn off racing for the rest of this year. Just good old fashioned running. No focused training. And certainly no Tunnel Hill 50 miler (which is in 2 weeks!).

While I should hang low for a while and not even consider racing, I've already committed to one future race. It's the Illinois Half-Marathon on April 30. That's a full 6 months away. Plenty of time to get back to solid running, develop a reasonable aerobic base, then implement a targeted training plan. I'd like to break 1:30 for this half marathon. I'll be happy with a 1:29:59 finish. That's a 6:51/mile race pace. Not easy, but doable. Even for a 50-year old ultra guy. I'm looking forward to building speed and not doing really long runs (probably staying around 12-13 miles for the longest during this period). It'll be a change from years of ultra slogging. I even plan to follow an actual training plan with daily workouts for about 14 weeks. My plan of choice? The Hansons half-marathon training schedule based on their book. Three "something of substance" runs each week: speed/strength, tempo, and long run. These are interspersed with three other days of easy runs. Six workouts/week. This will be more consistent running than I've done in the past. And much greater focus of speed and stamina. Should be fun!

If this training goes well, I should be looking at a personal record on April 30th. Which might just set me up for another PR in July...when I attempt a certified trail marathon course and a BQ time!


  1. which trail marathon are you considering for the BQ attempt? I've signed up for the Illinois marathon, but find more fun/joy with trails!

  2. I'm doing the Jack and Jill Downhill Marathon in Washington (about 30 miles east of Seattle). Late July. The Illinois half should be good preparation.
