Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Running Goals

You can't move forward into a new year without goals. So, here are my 2019 running goals. Five biggies to motivate me throughout the new year. In case you missed it, here was my summary of how well I did with my 2018 goals: "Did I Meet My 2018 Running Goals?"

My goals that I'd like to achieve before the end of 2019:

1. Run more than 1,500 miles.
2. Complete at least 24 long runs (10+ miles).
3. Don't take more than 2 consecutive days off from running.
4. Complete at least 2 ultra-marathons (longer than 26.2 miles).
5. Have one run longer than 36.56 miles.

Look familiar? They are my exact goals from 2018. I failed at every single one of them. Need to make things right! More miles, more long runs, less days off, a couple of ultras, and at least one run of 36.56+ miles. Why such an odd and specific number? That's the distance where I dropped out of Tunnel Hill 50 miler in 2017. Not this year! I will go back to Tunnel Hill and crush that race. Whoops...I'm getting ahead of myself...race goals for 2019 are coming soon. 

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