Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Did I Meet My 2018 Running Goals?

Alright, we've made it through another year and it's time to review last year's running goals. I already reviewed my racing results (not very good) and my overall running statistics (also not good), but what about my actual goals for 2018? I posted my 5 goals on January 4, 2018 on this blog. Let's see how I goal at a time!

Goal #1. Run more than 1,500 miles.
I ran 1,138 miles in 2018. That is less than 1,500 miles. Failure. No real excuse either. I was basically injury-free and healthy most of the year. I think my ready-made excuse was that I was trying to run fast and set half-marathon PRs. In my mind, that doesn't take lots of miles. Wrong. I needed a stronger aerobic base to carry me through a fast half-marathon. Live and learn.

Goal #2. Complete at least 24 long runs (10+ miles).
I had 13 runs that were 10 miles or longer. Sad. That's much less than 24! Failure. My bad. No excuses. Even training for half-marathons instead of marathons or ultras, I should have gotten in a lot of 10-12 mile runs. I didn't.

Goal #3. Don't take more than 2 consecutive days off from running.
My longest break was 7 days. That's longer than 2 days. Failure. I was sick in June and that is why I took the extra days off. Some kind of stomach issue. It lingered. I count that as a 1/2 good excuse. So far I am 0 for 3 on my goals.

Goal #4. Complete at least 2 ultra-marathons (>26.2 miles).
I ran a total of zero ultramarathons in 2018. That's certainly less than two! Failure. It's been a long time since I went an entire year without doing at least one ultra. But that's what happened in 2018. I'll knock off a few in 2019.

Goal #5. Have one run longer than 36.56 miles.
My longest run was 13.2 miles (during a half-marathon race). That seems shorter than 36.56 miles. Failure. Again. Yikes! So I failed at all 5 of my running goals. Not a good year. I have a strong belief that 2019 will be better. Much better. New running goals coming soon to a blog near you.

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