Friday, January 1, 2021

Did I Meet My 2020 Running Goals?

Back on January 4, I set my 2020 running goals. So, did I achieve them? 

Goal #1: Qualify for Boston Marathon. Nope! Failed. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no official marathon races this year (at least around me). Not really a failure if I never had the opportunity. Could have run a virtual marathon, but that would not count as a BQ time. In all honesty, I was not ready to toss down a fast marathon time. Probably would have failed anyway, but I am embracing the pandemic excuse. Silver linings! 

Goal #2: Run at least one ultramarathon race. Failed. Again, there were no races in 2020, so I couldn't really achieve this goal. Not my fault, right? Actually, I take "credit" for this failure. I could easily have run a virtual ultra. Unlike the BQ time goal above, anything over 26.2 miles would count as an ultra done. My bad. In fact, my longest run on 2020 was only 16 miles. Sad. I'll do better next year.

Goal #3: Run at least 1700 miles. Success! I ran 1716 miles in 2020. Most ever for me. That averages to 33/week. Impressive for this low-mileage runner. Feel good that I was consistent the whole year. It would have been easy to give up when we had "stay at home" orders. No major injuries, no health issues, and no long breaks from running. My longest non-running streak was 2 days! Proud of that achievement. 

So, in 2020 I succeeded on one goal, failed at another, and called it a draw on a third. That's not too bad for this crazy year! Hoping for a better 2021.

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