Sunday, January 3, 2021

My 2020 Running Stats

Well, 2020 is finally over. I've posted my "did I achieve my goals" and also "highs and lows" for the year. Now it's a mundane summary of my basic running statistics from 2020. With a comparison to 2019. As stated before, 2020 was a good running year for me. Actually, an excellent one!





278 runs

317 runs


1,420 mi

1716 mi

Max Distance:

26.25 mi

16.2 mi


Avg Distance:

5.11 mi

5.41 mi


224:41 h:m

264:58 h:m

Avg Speed:

9:13 min/mi

9:16 min/mi


Avg HR:

132 bpm

129 bpm

Elevation Gain:

43,597 ft

61,056 ft

Avg Cadence

163 spm

163 spm


Longest Streak:

23 days

34 days

Longest Break:

3 days

2 days

I'm happy with, and proud of, all of these stats, with the exception of the longest run category. Only 16 miles? Really? That will change in 2021. Slightly slower pace seems odd, with shorter runs and some fast time trials, I thought it would be faster than last year. But, with more overall miles (mostly on trails), it does make sense that those would be run slower (lower average HR confirms that trend). My biggest surprise when looking at these stats is the higher elevation gain (61K vs 43K). I ran less "exotic" trails (like Clinton Lake, Forest Glen, and Allerton), but a ton more at Lake of the Woods rather than treadmill. While LOW park trails are not extremely hilly, they do have more elevation change than a treadmill. I guess quitting the gym has its benefits! 

I plan to track these same stats in 2021, and hopefully review them more frequently (once/month? once/quarter?). No surprises come December 31, 2021. Time to think about 2021 running goals and races. That blog post is coming soon.

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