Thursday, June 3, 2021

May 2021 Run Stats: Better!

My May running statistics were better than April! Not perfect, but definitely better. Almost every statistic I follow was improved. I ran every single day, and did a lot of run-walks, so my mileage was higher, but pace was slower. That's cool with me! I'm training for ultras, not 5Ks. Of course, I'd like to develop and keep some speed too...that will be worked on in June while still maintaining endurance. Here are my May run stats compared to April:

Total Distance113.52 mi153.69 mi
Average Distance5.41 mi4.96 mi
Max Distance12.57 mi13.27 mi
Total Activity Time18:07 h:m26:26 h:m
Avg Time51:46 m:s51:11 m:s
Total Elev Gain3,809 ft4,734 ft
Average Pace9:35 min/mi10:20 min/mi
Average Heart Rate130 bpm126 bpm
Average Run Cadence162 spm160 spm

Proudest achievement? I ran 31 times in 31 days. I'm not a run-streak kind of guy, but this was a goal for May. Also, I ran with Hellah Sidibe as he did his transcontinental run from LA to NYC! Found him around Tuscola, IL and did about 8 miles with him. Great experience. I have two ultras coming up: Last Buffalo Standing in July and Howl at the Moon in August. Need to keep my mileage up in June, even with the heat and humidity. It's doable. My main goal for June is 150+ miles with speed work once a week. 

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