Sunday, July 4, 2021

June 2021 Run Stats: Blah!

Not happy with how June turned out. It was warm and humid. Holy cow, humidity kills. May was my "run every day" month and June was my "do as I please" month. May had better stats! June also witnessed a wasp sting on my hand, followed by infection, and trip to the doctor. Antibiotics, steroid pills, and steroid cream followed. That put a hamper on my running. First time in years that I took 3 straight days off from running. I'm back to full capacity now and ready to rock July. But not with tons of miles. I'm shooting for speed. I'm depressed that my Garmin VO2max dropped to 47 and my lactate threshold sits at HR 158 and pace of 7:58/mile. And my Stryd critical power dropped to 268 watts. Sad. I know I have ultras coming up, but I hope that overall increased fitness and running speed will help me maintain a slow endurance pace too. I'll still knock off 13 mile long runs, but also more speed sessions every week. And strides. Here are my running stats from May and June:

Total Distance153.69 mi105.67 mi
Average Distance4.96 mi4.80 mi
Max Distance13.27 mi13.07 mi
Total Activity Time26:26 h:m17:00 h:m
Avg Time51:11 m:s46:23 m:s
Total Elev Gain4,734 ft3,087 ft
Average Pace10:20 min/mi9:39 min/mi
Average Heart Rate126 bpm135 bpm
Average Run Cadence160 spm162 spm

The only thing I like is that my average pace was quicker. Not fast, but faster. I'm also shifting to my Wahoo HR strap. The Garmin still rubs me raw. Hope that Wahoo treats me better. We'll see. Plus it should be more accurate than the Garmin wrist-based HR monitor (which I utilized a lot in June to keep my chest blood free). 

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