Sunday, January 2, 2022

Did I Achieve My 2021 Running Goals?

I already posted my basic summary stats for 2021, but did I reach my 2021 goals? I had 8 total goals, 4 process-oriented and 4 performance targets. Let's take a look at the process goals:

  • Run 1700 miles? Nope. I only had 1353 miles.
  • Longest non-run streak of 3 days? Yes! 3 days was my longest break. 
  • Run at least one marathon or ultra? Yep, ran 3 ultras (Riddle, LMS, Howl). 
  • Break 65,000 feet elevation gain? No. Only managed 52,900. 
So I achieved 2/4 of my process goals. How about those 4 performance goals:
  • Run a 5:55 mile? No, not even close.
  • Run a 19:59 5K? Nope. (But I did win a 5K race with a time of 20:55!). 
  • Run a 1:39:59 half-marathon? No.
  • Finish Howl at the Moon with at least 31 miles? Yes, barely (33 miles). 
So I met 1/4 performance goals. Three of eight total goals. Not my best year. Better think carefully about 2022 goals. Want them to be challenging, but doable. 

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