Saturday, January 1, 2022

Running Summary for 2021

Well, 2021 is over. I did better in 2020, but 2021 was a solid year for my running. I plan on making 2022 even better. I'll talk about my running goals for 2022, and whether I met my 2021 goals, in a future post. Today is a simple statistical summary comparing 2021 with 2020. I need to remind myself that 2020 was a very good running year (except for that COVID-19 thing). Here is a table comparing the two years:

Total Distance1,715.61 mi1,352.02 mix
Average Distance5.41 mi5.16 mix
Max Distance16.17 mi32.48 mi
Total Activity Time264:58 h:m228:54 h:mx
Avg Time50:09 m:s52:25 m:s
Total Elev Gain61,056 ft52,969 ftx
Average Pace9:16 /mi10:10 /mix
Average Heart Rate129 bpm134 bpmx
Average Run Cadence163 spm160 spmx
Longest Run Break2 days3 daysx
Longest Run Streak34 days35 days

There is a lot of red in that table! Yikes. I ran less days, with less mileage, less elevation, at a higher heart rate, with lower cadence and a slower pace. On the upside, my longest run was 32.5 miles instead of 16.2 miles. That is awesome! How many people can say they doubled their longest run? Nice. Also pleased that I only missed 3 days in a row (not as good as just 2 days, but respectable). And my longest streak was 35 continuous days of running, just beating out 2020's 34 days. 

One statistic is missing...I won a 5K race! For me, that makes 2021 special. Doubt I'll win any races in 2022, but I plan on getting a few more green colors on next year's comparison chart. Hope everyone had a great 2021. Best wishes for an even better 2022.

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