Sunday, May 8, 2022

April Running Stats: Not Good

This year has been up and down. January was great, February sucked. March was good. And April wasn't. Oh well. I was sick part of April and didn't train for, or run, the Illinois half-marathon on April 30. Missed a few days in a row which is rare for me. But I'm back to regular running. Nothing long or fast. Might shift into a "Maffetone Phase" with lots of very easy, low heart rate, running. No races in May. Have none planned in June either. I can envision one day per week being fast, the rest very easy. Maybe a few strides to keep the leg turnover. Anyway, here are run statistics for April, with comparison to March. 

March 2022April 2022
Total Distance115.41 mi91.43 mi
Average Distance5.02 mi5.08 mi
Max Distance25.77 mi13.34 mi
Total Activity Time21:00 h:m14:48 h:m
Avg Time54:49 m:s49:21 m:s
Total Elev Gain6,249 ft3,035 ft
Average Pace10:55 /mi9:43 /mi
Average Heart Rate130 bpm133 bpm
Average Run Cadence159 spm160 spm

The one metric I did better on? Average pace. And it still wasn't fast! I did have one half-marathon race, the Allerton HM, which was moved from trails to roads within the park. That lifted my average pace. It was also my longest run of the month. Need to do better in May. And better still in June. July 9 is the "Last Buffalo Standing" event. 

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