Wednesday, June 1, 2022

My May Running Stats: OK? Improving?

April kind of sucked for me. I was sick and my running suffered. Thought May would be a huge rebound. It was OK. Small rebound. Better in several categories. Of course, when the benchmark is low (like April), it's easy to beat! Still, I am moving in the right direction so I cannot complain (too much). One big change for me, half-way through the month, I switched from Maffetone low HR training to Galloway run/walk plan. I run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute. Repeat. No need to pay attention to heart rate, just run for 4 minutes, watch beeps, then walk for one minute. Easy. Still keeps my AVERAGE heart rate low, but allows me to run faster during the 4-minute interval. My average pace has gotten faster even with only 80% running, while still feeling easy and under control. This method should serve me well for July's "Last Buffalo Standing" event. Need to walk in that long spectacle so why not practice every single day? While June will be hotter than May, I feel my run-walk plan will keep me going strong. I want and need more miles. I'll occasionally throw in fast 4-minute intervals (still part of the run/walk plan). No races in June, although I'll probably try a 5K time trial. Or 1-mile time trial. Or both. And a Garmin lactate threshold test too! My May statistics:

April 2022May 2022
Total Distance91.43 mi103.17 mi
Average Distance5.08 mi4.13 mi
Max Distance13.34 mi13.02 mi
Total Activity Time14:48 h:m17:08 h:m
Avg Time49:21 m:s41:07 m:s
Total Elev Gain3,035 ft3,766 ft
Average Pace9:43 /mi9:58 /mi
Average Heart Rate133 bpm128 bpm
Average Run Cadence160 spm158 spm

I was better on 5 stats. Not great, but improvement. Happy that I got in more runs. Not happy that my average run length was shorter. No promises for June...well, I do plan on more miles. And some faster efforts. And longer runs. Pseudo promises.

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