Monday, July 4, 2022

June Running Stats: Injured Ankle!

I had high hopes for June, but I messed it up. In May I shifted from Maffetone low HR training to Galloway's run/walk approach. It went fine. But I got bored halfway through June and decided to put in less walking and focus on power via Stryd. And I started to push things too hard too quickly. Rookie mistake. I twisted my ankle on a fast trail run, then refused to take days off and made it worse. I tried biking a few times, but I'm a runner. When I finally took 7 FULL DAYS OFF from running, it still did not completely heal. It's much better now, because I cut out strides and hill repeats and focused on simply easy running with a few walk breaks. Basically back to Galloway plan, but without the formal structure. Missing 7 days in a row lowered my overall miles. 

Here are my running statistics for June:

May 2022June 2022
Total Distance103.17 mi88.74 mi
Average Distance4.13 mi4.67 mi
Max Distance13.02 mi10.25 mi
Total Activity Time17:08 h:m14:33 h:m
Avg Time41:07 m:s46:00 m:s
Total Elev Gain3,766 ft3,199 ft
Average Pace9:58 /mi9:51 /mi
Average Heart Rate128 bpm133 bpm
Average Run Cadence158 spm158 spm

Disappointed with the total mileage, but happy that today, on July 4, I'm beginning to see the end of my ankle pain. I have not completed any long runs so this weekend's local "Backyard Ultra" (or Last Man Standing) event will be tough. I want an ultra, so that means a minimum of 8 loops of the 4.1 mile trail loop. Haven't done an ultra since January at the Riddle Run (28 miles). Last marathon was March (Land Between the Lakes). I'm woefully unprepared. pressure. Go at a leisurely pace and see what happens each hour! I'm confident I'll beat June's longest run (10.25 miles) and also May's longest run (13 miles). After that, I'm not sure. 

Think July will be a good month. I feel wise again and know when to pull back, and when to push forward. Worried that my August 5K race may come too soon, but I'll deal with that after the Backyard Ultra. 

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