Monday, October 10, 2022

September Running Stats: Faster

August was a solid month. Nothing too special, but I started getting in reasonable miles and a good number of runs, plus I had one fast 5K road race. September saw slightly less miles, but faster overall paces, with one good race (cross country 5K). No injuries. No illnesses. Moving in the right direction. Think October could be very good. Here are statistics for August vs September (I probably should have gotten in one more 2-mile run to break that 100-mile barrier):

August 2022Sept 2022
Run Activities2522
Total Distance106.77 mi98.68 mi
Average Distance4.27 mi4.49 mi
Max Distance13.11 mi11.10 mi
Total Activity Time18:26 h:m15:58 h:m
Avg Run Time44:16 m:s43:35 m:s
Total Elev Gain3,189 ft4,157 ft
Average Pace10:22 /mi9:43 /mi
Average Heart Rate122 bpm130 bpm
Average Run Cadence158 spm162 spm

I'm a bit concerned that my miles have not been higher, but in my mind, I'm trying to build speed and not endurance. October will likely continue the "fast but not long" trend. I have two 5K races. Then November can shift to building endurance as I try to prepare for the December Clinton Lake Winter Solstice run (30 miles) and January Riddle Run (28 miler). 


  1. Great to see you are still out there running Chris. Good luck with upcoming trail events.

  2. Still running. Slower, but still at it!
