Tuesday, November 8, 2022

October Running Stats: Need More Miles

October was an OK month for my running, but I slipped behind on my overall running miles. Still, no injuries and no illnesses, so it could have been worse. Continued my focus on speed and 5K races which saw my longest run distance shrink. I did knock out two solid 5K races. And my elevation gain, while still low, inched higher. More miles and more elevation gain coming in November! Time to transition to ultra mode. And trail mode. 

Here are October vs September running statistics:

Sept 2022Oct 2022
Run Activities2224
Total Distance98.68 mi92.68 mi
Average Distance4.49 mi3.86 mi
Max Distance11.10 mi9.87 mi
Total Activity Time15:58 h:m15:26 h:m
Avg Run Time43:35 m:s38:37 m:s
Total Elev Gain4,157 ft4,508 ft
Average Pace9:43 /mi10:00 /mi
Average Heart Rate130 bpm126 bpm
Average Run Cadence162 spm163 spm

I ran two 5Ks in October, the Illinois Homecoming (20:10 for 3-mile short course, 25/306 finishers, 1st in age group) and Heartland Harvest (20:38, 2/90 finishers, 1st in age group). Almost done with 5Ks. In December, I have the Clinton Lake Winter Solstice 30M run. Then January Riddle Run 28M. Time for ultra training. Long slow runs on trails instead of short fast runs on roads. 

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