Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Did I Achieve My 2022 Running Goals?

Mahomet 5K Race
Time to look back on 2022 and see if I met my running goals. I had 5 goals as stated in this Jan 5, 2022 post. So, did I crush them? Barely achieve them? Fail miserably?

Goal #1: Run at least 3 ultramarathons. Failed. 

I ran two ultras (Riddle Run 28M and Winter Solstice 30M). Almost did an ultra at Last Man Standing ("Backyard Ultra"), but I stopped at 24.6 miles. I did finish the Land Between the Lakes trail marathon--and it felt like an ultra with the mud! 

Goal #2: Run at least 1,717 miles. Failed. 

Not sure why I thought I could top my 2020 miles, but it did not happen. I did not even beat 2021 mileage. Oh well. No real excuses. I was fairly healthy and injury-free (except about 2 weeks with an ankle sprain), but my focus on 5K races made me target short and fast runs. 

Goal #3: Longest non-run streak of 2 days. Failed. 

Dang, these goals are not getting met! In general, I did well with my consistency, but when I twisted my ankle on a trail run, I decided to take a full week off from running. The ankle still hurt when I started back again so probably should have run short and easy every day to speed the healing. Live and learn. 

Goal #4: Longest run of at least 33 miles. Failed. 

Don't know why I picked 33 miles, probably to push myself to get more than a 50K. Or maybe it was the idea of 8 loops at Last Man Standing (4.1 x 8 = 32.8)? Whatever. I failed. My longest run was 30 miles at Winter Solstice at Clinton Lake trail. Actually, that was only 29.25 miles. Zero for four goals so far. How about my last goal for 2022? 

Goal #5: Run a 6:00 minute mile or equivalent 5k (20:50), 10k (43:15), HM (1:36), or marathon (3:22). Success! 

I ran a 20:38 5k race at Heartland Harvest so this goal was achieved! One out of 5 goals. Not great. I'd like 2023 to be better. I'll post those new goals soon. 

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