Saturday, November 24, 2007

Double Helping of Trail Running

Instead of extra Tofurky today, I had extra trail. In the morning I ran with Kennekuk Road Runners (they are actually mostly trail runners) at their members-only "meet the backpack trail" run on the 11-mile Forest Glen loop. Pat and Kevin pushed me hard and we finished in under 1:45. After some socializing at the barn, I drive home, eat, shower, and watch Tennessee take out Kentucky in the 4th OT. Check the's time for full moon run #93 at Mahomet trails! Get there just before 6pm and I'm the only one there. Thoughts of going home to a warm bed enter my mind...then Ken shows up with Cayenne. We run 5 easy miles under one of the brightest full moons ever and return to the parking lot to find another car and two runners hanging out. Jack and Shanin (new runners to our area) had just finished about 4 miles. We chat until we're all too cold from just standing around. Back home, shower, eat, (blog), into bed, and off to Clinton Lake trail Sunday morning. It's been a great Thanksgiving.

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